A bit about Sonja:
Sonja Longmore lives close to the beach in Western Australia with her husband, nearly empty nest and growing bucket list.
She has enjoyed working in the hairdressing, social work and educational industries. After waiting more years than she thought possible, she completed her Bachelor of Education and loves the world she creates within her classroom.
At night, after exchanging her students for a computer, she sinks happily into different times and places where couples meet and it is not only the characters who laugh, cry and sigh in satisfaction.
Sonja has finalled in Romance Writers of Australia writing competitions and has had her manuscript requested by an agent.
Favourite Things
(all in the name of fun):
Movie: The Wedding Date – just gorgeous
Celebrity Crush: Ronan. Shhh. Don’t ever tell him, but I have a massive crush!
Cultural food I love: Chinese
Wine: Moscato
Authors: Anne Gracie, Stephanie Laurens and Julia Quinn. Author legends. Enough said.
Season: Spring. Blossoms, rain and sunshine – simply the best!
Flowers: daffodils and jasmine – yes, they remind me of my mum.
Colour most featured in my wardrobe – lime green –just love it.
What every meal should have – just a little bit of tomato sauce.
Something I wish I never had to do again – Dusting.
Sonja loves to hear from readers through email or via social media.